For all of you little darlings that wanna get high, that think "I'm not gonna get hooked! Let's go eat pills and all will be merry!" I'm gonna give you a wakeup call. This is not me preaching to you or telling you how to live your lives. This is just the truth on how this all works and my own experiences with this lovely drug...
It starts with pills, most of the time. Whether you're actually in pain or you just wanna get fucked up, the medicine cabinet or the dude on the street is where most people start. You wanna know what the problem with pills is? They always run out. Getting high off some fives? They don't last, hotshot. You become immune to their effects after awhile and you need more and more, but there's a problem.
Ask anyone that's been around drugs for a long time (like myself!) and they'll tell you of the days when you could get a months worth of Percs for a hangnail. That's just not the case anymore. These days you've gotta sign narcotics contracts, take piss tests, and that's provided your doctor even wants to write for them at all. There are many, many doctors that refuse to write scripts for any type of narcotics because they don't want to deal with addicts, losing their license or get a surprise visit from the DEA.
So where do you get your pills? Some lucky fuck that has a script and wants to sell it. Hope you saved your pennies, darling.
Street price guide:
Percocet goes for a dollar a milligram. People will cut you deals if you know them, but if they're in short supply you can expect those to vanish.
Vicodin is tricky. You can usually get the 10s for about five or six bucks a pill. Some people charge more, but you're an idiot if you pay it. Unlike Percs, you can't get Vicodin without the Tylenol in it. Therefore, if you wanna crush and snort it, your nose WILL burn.
Those are the main two that people are prescribed, but here are a few more:
Dilaudid: This shit is awesome, but when heroin/pills got huge, most doctors stopped prescribing big doses. On average, you'll run into people pawning off 2mg pills. They're worth about $2, honestly. Don't get all starry-eyed when someone offers it to you for big money.
Morphine Sulfate: Wanna get obliterated? Take 15mg of this shit and you'll be a happy camper. Average price is $15-$30, but it gets crazy as the dose goes up. A 100mg pill can run into three digits. Trust me, you don't wanna be that fucking high...
Opana: I don't know of the condition that warrants this insanity. Opana isn't well known, and it's probably better that way. It's Percocet (50mg) and Morphine (50-100mg) in one pill. Again, fucking with this is gonna cost you big and the high is just too fucking intense.
Suboxen: The wonder drug that helps you get off dope also gets you wrecked if you have no dope in your system. 4mg pills/strips go for about $7-$10. 8mg, $15-$20. Don't take any other opiates while this is in your system, they won't work.
Try making a habit out of that. See how fast you get broke and even if you don't, pills come and go fast. If your connections run dry and you're jonesing, heroin is your next stop.
The reason heroin is the problem that it is these days is because needles have been taken out of the equation for new users. Snortable heroin is very real and it has created a new generation of addicts. However, like most drugs, snorting only works so long and then you start shooting it.
The problem with the snortable shit is that dealers have adapted the technique of "cutting" the drug, a longtime practice with cocaine. Most dealers don't wanna kill their customers, so they'll cut it with something harmless like a multivitamin or something. For those that don't know what cutting is, it's mixing drugs with other substances to maximize profits and give you less of what you're actually paying for so you'll come back for more.
There's a big problem happening now, though. There are dealers selling H that's been cut with drugs like Fentanyl and it guarantees an almost instant death. When I was in NH and back on this shit, there were at least 6-7 people that had gotten tainted dope from MA, gone back up there and dropped dead. Yes, I was scared shitless... The spike in deaths isn't always driving away business, though. In many cases, it's HELPING bring in more profits. Stupid assholes seeking insane highs with the "I can handle it, they've just never done it like that" mentality... *Sigh*
I could write about this for days. I'm not trying to glorify it or endorse it, just trying to make people aware. It has cost me so damn much, financially and personally. Please, if you know someone who does this, don't make fun or shun them. Get them help.