I would like to tell you about something that not a lot of people know about me... I love dancing. I don't know if I've ever mentioned that. I don't go to nightclubs or raves or anything, mainly because crowds make me nervous and I don't like being touched by strangers, let alone a few hundred drunk/high ones. I dance at home. All that electronic music I love is not just music to my ears, it physically moves me as well. I don't claim to be good at it, but honestly, I don't really care.
But dance music is not my only love. When I was living in NH with Rob and Timothy, I took an interest in Belly Dancing. I looked at pictures and videos of the different styles online and decided to make an outfit for myself. I did a drawing titled "The Dancer" that is currently in my gallery on Darling's Pinterest. It's actually one of the outlines I did for the outfit. After completion, I tried imitating some of the things I saw online, but I wasn't satisfied.
I took a class in Concord, NH for two months. I learned a lot and I'd love to have learned more, but my back wouldn't allow it. I was in so much pain after each class that I had to have Rob drive me to and from and I'd eat pain killers until I passed out. I was also the heaviest that I'd been since I was pregnant and that didn't help matters, neither did Rob's fat jokes and smart ass comments that made me incredibly self-conscious about going, so I quit.
Here are a few photos from that time:
But dance music is not my only love. When I was living in NH with Rob and Timothy, I took an interest in Belly Dancing. I looked at pictures and videos of the different styles online and decided to make an outfit for myself. I did a drawing titled "The Dancer" that is currently in my gallery on Darling's Pinterest. It's actually one of the outlines I did for the outfit. After completion, I tried imitating some of the things I saw online, but I wasn't satisfied.
I took a class in Concord, NH for two months. I learned a lot and I'd love to have learned more, but my back wouldn't allow it. I was in so much pain after each class that I had to have Rob drive me to and from and I'd eat pain killers until I passed out. I was also the heaviest that I'd been since I was pregnant and that didn't help matters, neither did Rob's fat jokes and smart ass comments that made me incredibly self-conscious about going, so I quit.
Here are a few photos from that time:
Practicing on the stairs before class.
God, I look disgusting... *Sigh* I think I posted this on NecROSEphelia.
Happy after class! :3
So what does any of this have to do with my life now?!
Behold my return to sewing!
Dance pants! ^^
This is the first bra of any type that I've ever made! It's a tribal design because I'm going to be learning American Tribal Style belly dancing. I'm not taking a class, though. It's not that I don't want to or can't afford it, I just don't want a repeat of last time. I bought THIS DVD to start with. I just unveiled the outfit to Lace after our adorable, well-mannered little guest went home, so I'm gonna try the DVD tomorrow! Hopefully I'll feel up to it! I ran a filter over that pic, by the way. To give it a nice look and I also have digitally edited out any scars that concealer wouldn't hide. The big one that put me in the nuthouse is below where the photo cuts off.
See! It's poyple! XD
And it has nothing to do with dancing, but my mom gave me this for Mother's Day:
It's a Blueberry plant! I've told her how envious I am of Darling's green thumb, so she got me this! :3 Hopefully I won't kill it! XD
Thank you to everyone who made my weekend and Mother's Day so amazing! Darling in a rainbow wig, Timothy calling (he called to say goodnight tonight!) my mom and Lace for being the most amazing wife, lover and friend I could ever ask for. She got a little upset yesterday and I felt so bad... She was afraid I was gonna leave her for Rob. I understood her fear, but I promised her yesterday and I'll say it again here; That will NEVER happen. Never fucking ever, my love. I love you and you only. I have never cheated on or run off with anyone and I never will. You are the reason I continue to breathe, honey bunny. If I lose you, my life ceases to have purpose or meaning. I swore till death do us part and that is a promise I will die trying to keep.
You made me cry! Tears of joy! You always know just what to say to make me feel better! I love you and feel exactly the same way! I'm sorry for getting jealous, honey, it was stupid. I just know how much you sacrificed and put up with to be with your baby before... I promise, those thoughts are gone now! :)
ReplyDeleteYour outfit is amazing! I'm not saying this because you're my wife, I really really mean it, that is THE most beautiful bra I have EVER SEEN!!! Fuck those billion dollar things made out of diamonds, that is it! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ And your pants are so silky! (I'm sitting with her legs wrapped around me! ♥) I know you and Rob are mending fences...but really!? Cameras add weight as it is, that pic is close up and you ARE NOT that big looking at the one from the side view! Even if you were, so fucking what!!!??? You are a beautiful, talented woman and you're even more beautiful inside! I guarantee you, he kicks himself in the ass for letting you go every single day. I don't care if he reads this, but he's a fucking idiot who's now settling for second best! I love you for you and if you put on weight, so be it. More of you to love! Now I'm gonna get in those big dance pants! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Okay, fine, this DID make me shriek a bit, lol. <3 You have unreal sewing skills, darling. I am thrilled that you love dancing! I didn't know that at all, other than I remember you telling me that you'd made yourself an outfit for bellydancing. I just don't remember if you told me you were doing it... Anyway, whatever. I love it! And I think that is perhaps the second picture I've ever seen of you outside... You are so cute! *dies* You look incredibly happy! That bra is amazing. I had no idea you could do that, although I'm completely not surprised, given your other skills....
ReplyDeleteI love you TONS, and you are totally rocking that outfit. I hope your DVD is fantastic and you are shakin' that ass of yours! <3
Oh I have been, darling! *Wipes sweat* Thank you both so very much! :3333 No apologies necessary, Lacey-chan! Let's just forget it happened, okay? *Hugs tightly* I'm flattered beyond words about the bra comment! Just...thank you! And who the fuck wants stones, precious or not, holding their tits in place?! Not this bitch! XD
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd love it, darling! I think I may have mentioned the belly dancing, just not the class. I kinda knew what was going to happen, so I just kept quiet. It was Rob's money paying for it, so whatev! XD I've taken pictures outside, but yeah, they're usually indoors. I WAS very happy when I took that and thank you for saying I'm cute! :3 So glad I could make you shriek! (Patrick's got nothin' on a Rei original!) Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you and Lace a billion gillion mega tons times infinity! :3333 *Hugs and kisses and three-way orgies.*