Wednesday, May 27, 2015

We can't win.

As I've said before, I'm no feminist or crusader for women's rights. However, there are endless double standards and stereotypes that a lot of people may not have given much thought to. Here are some:

If we fuck you and don't want you, we're sluts and whores

If we don't fuck you, we're stuck up cunts that need to loosen up.

Wearing a completely shear dress or top is fashionable.

A breast/nipple bared in public, or god forbid, used for its intended purpose, is the downfall of western civilization.

If we're fat, we need to lose weight.

Once said weight is lost, we've got an eating disorder.

If you pursue us after a breakup, you're in touch with your feelings and you care.

If we pursue you, we're psychotic and you get in touch with 911.

Strong women (notably athletes) are scary dykes.

Strong men are heroes.

Anything a man can do, so too can a woman.

They just make the female version wimpier looking and if not, we cheated, fucked our way there or you let us do it.

There are so very many more. And penis bearers, you are not all this way and not entirely to blame for its continuance in society. Too many of us LET IT HAPPEN or play right into it.



  1. You are absolutely correct in all of these. It's enough to drive anyone mad with rage. Thank you for putting this out there, darling.

    And also, I am so glad you two aren't in the way of that horrible water main problem! God how disgusting. We had our sewer back up once, and that was bad enough. I can't imagine it on that scale. Foul.

  2. My pleasure! XD I want a guy to come here and argue this with me... I wanna be a retard for a bit!

    And I remember the septic nightmare! (Band name!) They've had to truck in thousands of gallons of water just to fight potential fires and keep hospitals running. Very ugly situation, indeed.

