Friday, July 17, 2015


Ugh, yeah. At my mom's house this afternoon and the demon spawn are all over me. Why the hell I wore this outfit is beyond me... It's covered in demon hair. This shit is gonna form into a mini demon, Lacebun will fall in love with it and it will deceive her by being cute. All the while, trying to kill me when her back is turned!

It's happened! These cats are evil and it'll happen again! Mark my words!

What's that van that just pulled up say? San-a-tori-um... Funny name for a pizza place. I hope it's good!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, the kitty loves you! Always so paranoid... I'm not fishing you out of any more nuthouses! :p I'm glad you had a nice time at your mom's house today, sweetie! :) She gets to stay home and hang out with you, and I have to work... Not fair! So glad it's the weekend! Yay! Oh, a kitten! Where'd you come from, pretty baby? *Runs to show Rei*

    XOXO ♥♥♥
