Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Early to bed tonight... z.z

So I'm still hurting like hell and more often than not the past few days, I walk like I've been raped with a 5 foot flag dildo. It's a sight, I'll tell you! XD We had a lovely time at Janice's today. Lace had some work to do, but it was fun afterwards! Playing with critters, watching TV/movies, and we ate a lot of food. Janice made homemade pizza for dinner and it was NOM! :3

It's almost like I've been given a new family this year. My mom has completely changed for the better, I've reunited with my darling sister in crazy, got an amazing wife and her parents, animals and now Janice and her husband. I couldn't have dreamed this a year ago... I really and truly am blessed and honestly, I have never had this many people that love and care about me in my life at the same time. Ever.

I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm gonna double up on the Ambien tonight and hope it helps. It makes me sleepy and puts me to sleep eventually, I just don't stay there. The pain is NOT helping either. Guess we'll see what happens tonight...



  1. We all LOVE LOVE LOVE you, darling! I'm so glad to have you back. I missed you so terribly much. You'll always be my sister, crazy or not! <3

  2. Totally agree with Adra. We all love you so, so very much and if only I'd known you a year ago, honey... I would have done everything I could to make your situation better. I can't change the past, but I want to be here for every day to make sure you never ever go through anything like that again. We are so good for one another in so many ways. I love you with all of my heart and soul. I hope you can sleep through the night tonight and I hope my snuggling and holding you helps that along. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
