Monday, February 9, 2015

If you're easily offended... FUCKING RUN!!!!

This is my new blog. If you used to follow the old one, I don't know, yay?! This time there's no music links, so that kills off about 99 percent of you fucks, doesn't it? For my one true friend, love of my life that I cannot have, I say thank you. Also, it is completely your call as to whether or not you want to link this toilet to your respectable blog.

Now then... The colors might be kinda cutesy and girly, that was intentional. However, seeing as I have a year worth of twisted thoughts, pent-up rage, and sexual urges that no amount of masturbation can appease, I'm going to be posting A LOT of shit here. My imagination and the power of zeh intrawebz is the limit. (And the laws that govern this nation, of course. Some of the shit that I COULD put here will land me in fucking Guantanamo...) So stay tuned. Leave. I'm gonna have FUN!!!



  1. I love you back. My blog can totally handle this linking responsibility! ..I think. lol Really you're too awesome for me to ever NOT link to you. I always love learning more about you, seeing the amazing stuff you're capable of, and hearing your thoughts on basically everything. Bring it on! <3

  2. PS I read Patrick your blog description (apple juice thing), and he cackled, then informed me that you are awesome. I was like NO SHIT. :p

  3. Woohoo! I got my follower back! XD Thank you so much for sticking with me, darling! <3 Oh, gotta go find a pretty pic of you to put on here! I promise, one FBI raid a week! Two tops! XD *Hugs*

