So I'm out of the hospital and back home. My mom took me to the pharmacy after the hospital and got me all my prescriptions. The cough syrup ended up costing her over $150... Apparently a vast majority of insurance companies have stopped paying for it because of how much it's abused. Who would do such a thing?! >.> <.< Just about everything else was covered including my pretty pink perc 10s. I'll tell Lacey they're a new kind of Skittles, she'll never know.
The title of this post is in reference to the plethora of added stuff I found upon walking in the door. I don't remember there being THIS much here on Saturday! Lacey has more clothes than I do! I don't know if they're all here, but Christ, she has so many video games! O.O; In addition to my Wii U and NGP, we've got 3DS, PS3, and I think she has every regular Wii game ever made... She told me she had a lot, but... Wow! XD I'm not bashing you, honey, gamer girls are teh h0t! :3
We're definitely moving to the apartment tomorrow, I talked to the manager when I got back. I have the keys and I might try and bring some small stuff over tonight. I've got some of the guys that work here coming to help tomorrow. ^^ One more day of Lacey's disaster area won't bug me. You know, because I'm so fucking clean and organized... eh heh.
Jesus that is some expensive cough syrup. I'm so glad you're feeling better though, darling! Love to you! <3