Friday, February 20, 2015

One week down, and hopefully, forever to go. :3

Yeah, celebrating being with a person for a week may be a little silly. But there are marriages that don't last this long, so... Lacey decided to take me out on a little date tonight and it was a very fun time! When she got home from work, she had roses for me! :3 Apparently darling had a hand in this, too, so thank you as well! *hugs*

We went to Yamato Steakhouse, and it is a gorgeous restaurant with amazing food. The people who work there were all super nice to us and we got speedy service, even though it was crowded. The only negative that is worth mentioning actually had nothing to do with the restaurant or its employees. Apparently two attractive women can't have dinner without sending men into a frenzy of repeated staring and whispering to one another like schoolgirls...

If Lacey wants to tell the whole story of why men make her nervous and why she gets extremely uneasy while being stared at and talked about, I'll let her do it when she feels comfortable. I'll just say that she's a very quiet and reserved person who, for the most part, only feels comfortable and relaxed around women. She got up to use the restroom at one point and I just happened to see like 4 guys (some of whom were with their wives/girlfriends) eyes dart to her chest... I followed her to the restroom and I "accidently" bumped a gentleman's table. eh heh He probably stared at my ass as I walked away, but I really don't give a shit...

Anyway, our food was all kinds of yummy! We each got our own meal, but we shared what we got. Lacey had a bunch of sushi, rice and veggies and I got a delicious steak meal. (Apparently they'd run out of chicken fingers...) We were too full for anything else, so we sat and talked until our drinks were gone (I had three glasses of red wine, she just got soda) and then I moved next to her and I kissed my beauty. It wasn't just a peck, I had a full-fledged liplock on her and I even copped a little feel. hehe! After I finally let go and we paid, we came home and topped off the evening with the best sex we've had to this point.

Now she is in the shower and I'm sitting here and pondering the week that has gone by. It was only a simple question that I'd asked her after our first time together; "You gonna leave now?" "Nope. I wanna be snowed in with you." :3


  1. I think my heart just melted a bit. You two are so amazing together. And I hear you about the creepy men staring thing. Makes my skin crawl. Enjoy your weekend with your wonderful honey, darling! <3

  2. Thanks, darling! We had a lot of fun texting with you all night! Not exactly sure why, but I had one of the most disturbing dreams of my life this morning and try as I might, I just could not sleep well afterwards... So nice to have her to talk me through it and hold me while I shivered... :3 It felt so fucking real...
