Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pink booger sugar...

Up the nose it goes... Don't freak out, anyone. Those three lines are the equivalent of one 30 MG pill. Snorting them just gets them in your blood faster. The two that are uncrushed were just put there to show that this isn't just Pixie Stix or whatever.


  1. Ah! My computer just lagged for a few seconds with that on the screen! lol Did it make you feel better? I wouldn't freak out about this, sweetie! It's only one extra pill than what it's written for. We know you're in pain and that you're trying, honey. At least you're open about it. <3 *Kisses* XOXO

  2. I didn't know pills came in Whore Pink. The more you knoooooow! lol
