Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Just look...

I'm going to post a very graphic, possibly disturbing picture. If you are offended by or opposed to violence inflicted by oneself on oneself, do not scroll down the page. This is NOT art. This is NOT erotica. This is my fucking suffering! The first one of you sick cocksuckers that comes on here with a cute little comment will regret it.

I would like to thank my neighbor, Nicole, who is a reformed cutter herself and understands what I go through. She brought me some dinner and maybe it's just being around someone around my age, I don't know. Anyway, I got upset and she listened and stood by as this mess unfolded.


  1. Oh darling. I know all about this. You and I both. I switched to a razor blade after years of fingernails, and it's much better. More satisfying, cleaner lines, actually less scarring. It's something we have to do, and it's horrible, but I guess the alternative is worse. I love you regardless. *hug*

  2. I just wish more people would take the time to understand. With all the resources available these days, people can't even skim an article or two to get even the most basic idea of what we go through... I don't want to say I'm GLAD you switched to a razor, I wish you didn't have to do it at all. But just from a hygenic standpoint, a fresh blade is gonna lessen the risk of infection. The last thing anyone needs is to go to the fucking ER with an infected self-inflicted wound... Thank you so much for everything, darling! I know it's just text on a screen, but when I read it, I hear your voice saying the words and it brings endless comfort. :3

