Tuesday, June 2, 2015

No improvement

Still stuck in bed most of the day, nothing new... The weather has been pretty nasty, so I wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway. I love cool, rainy days, but I don't enjoy being out in them quite so much. I've always enjoyed driving in the rain, though, more as a passenger than a driver.

Lace had a horrible day and she's been pretty depressed since coming home. People disgust me, they really do. Just fucking assume and let your perceptions guide you. Fuck getting to know someone or even politely ask them things, just pass judgement on an outward appearance. I like to talk shit about men a lot, but women are far worse in many respects. So many of them are so fucking fake, and it's nothing to do with their physical appearance.

They'll be nice to your face, tell you how amazing you look or whatever. Then they'll go verbally obliterate you to their friends who then turn around and do the same thing, telling someone else about her being such a jealous bitch and who the fuck is she... So much backstabbing, conniving, gossip and vindictiveness. Honestly, I'd rather just be called a cunt and get punched in the teeth.

I explained why Lacey gets treated and looked at the way she does in my comment on her post from today. She doesn't deserve any of this and I'm fucking tired of her and everyone else who attempts to do their own thing and be a little different getting demonized by people who don't understand. And I'm not doing the "Norms are just sheep, d00d" thing here, I'm tired of that shit.

What the fuck is "normal"? Because it's a pretty broad definition to describe about 6 billion people. What Lacey does is her normal, what I do is mine, what anyone reading this does is theirs. I have trouble finding anyone that doesn't have some mental quirk or diagnosed disorder these days. Those that say they don't usually end up shooting up shopping malls.

There is no normal person, there is pack mentality. Those that subscribe to a certain religious doctrine or a music scene, fashion style, etc. They relate to one another, find more likeminded people or convert them. Anyone not like them and that won't convert/conform is not "normal" and must be taken down. The biggest pack rules the roost. The internet has made it all the more worse. And obviously there are exceptions and not everyone is like this, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that this is how shit like what happened to Lacey starts.

Too many people are caught up in hating others for not being like them when they could be getting to know someone great that can open them up to things they didn't know about or understand previously. All you need to look at to see where this REALLY starts is the upper grade levels in our schools. The jocks, the goths, the geeks, the cheerleaders, etc. It's not a fabrication by the media, it exists everywhere. Maybe in different forms and numbers, but there are different groups in every school and the one common thread is that very few of them get along. When I was in school, there were kids who got into physical fights because someone liked metal music and someone liked rap. Somebody said something about one form sucking or whatever and it was war...

I once told a therapist that I'm an atheist and that I believe we are nothing more than another species on this planet, that we're just a highly evolved animal. She was dumbfounded, her jaw literally dropped. But look at what I just told you... Go watch a nature show with pack animals and tell me fucking otherwise.



  1. Just to add to the pack animal thing. The animals on the outside, the ones that are usually solitary, usually end up being food for the pack hunters. Like bunnies! Thank you for doing this Rei honey. :) You are the best! XOXO ♥♥♥

  2. You are completely correct. For some reason people can't conceive of being just another fucking animal. And not even a particularly nice animal. The closest thing to us is a chimpanzee, and those things are known for being vicious, horrible animals. They're basically on a genocidal mission against bonobos, who have never done anyone any harm. What does that say about us? I agree with the rest of it too. Fuck them.
