Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Visiting Nurse from Hell

I can't stand this fucking woman... Day after day of this annoying old bitch with her annoying, ear-splitting voice and her down syndrome laugh. Ugh. I know she means well and she's here to help, but she's so pushy and has no sense of humor. I sit here for like a half hour before she comes and hope against hope that her car explodes...

I take too many pills, I don't exercise enough, why is that dog hiding under the bed? She comes here to help me with my mobility and to check my vitals, med situation, and helps me if I need to bathe when Lace isn't here... Yeah, it sucks. *Sigh*

She's gotta be in her mid-fifties at least and she's slow as molasses. She keeps telling me that I've gotta start becoming more independent and move around the house more. That's a nice idea, but if I could do that, I wouldn't NEED her! It also contradicts the doctor's orders... She's also one of those types that doesn't like the fact that I'm on disability. She keeps telling me to volunteer or work part-time somewhere.

Two more weeks of her bullshit... Wheeee!



  1. JeSUS, no wonder you want to shove your walker up her pooper. If you have a printout of your doctor's orders, I'd hold it up in front of her face with the pertinent section highlighted and be like READ THIS RIGHT NOW. SEE? And by the way, if I could work, I would be. So mind your own goddamn business. Just reading about her makes me want to punch her. I salute your admirable restraint in not doing so.

  2. I don't like her either. She's too by the book and no fun! And she wouldn't even pet Misa! I don't like her bathing you, either. I can handle that, there's no reason she has to do it. And your disability isn't her concern. I might have to make a call and get you someone else... As long as she's not prettier than me. :p Love you, babe! XOXO ♥♥♥

  3. She was helping me stretch a bit today and wouldn't listen when I told her it was hurting. After she left, I called and filed a complaint and demanded someone else. I'll see my new lady on Monday! :3 Thank you, ladies! Love you both! :3 *Hugs*

