Sunday, June 28, 2015

No Offense

I'm not glorifying what happened at that church in South Carolina, don't anybody take it that way, please. But I'm really sick and fucking tired of this extermination mentallity that goes into effect every time something bad happens.

I hate the south, I hate religious zealots, white supremacists, and most rednecks in general. I don't believe in what that flag stands for (and it has nothing to do with southern pride, sorry) and I am totally for it being removed from state land.

What I don't agree with is this fucking scrubbing it out from EVERYTHING in society. Apple removed games containing it from their app store, they're trying to get rid of Gone With The Wind, and one of the actors from The Dukes of Hazard is about to lose a good chunk of his business selling models of The General Lee. I'm sure there's plenty more, too.

It's pathetic that it took so many people dying to get it off of the SC state land. It's sad that it takes a tragedy of epic proportions to wake Americans up to almost everything... But this is ridiculous and none of it is being done with good intentions or out of sympathy. It's all corporate fear. Fear of lawsuits, boycotts and lost revenue. They don't care about people dying or social issues, just dollar signs.

If you wanna fly your flag, they can't stop you, no matter how stupid it is. This country and this culture are too sensitive to everything. Everyone wants peace and unity, but it just creates more division. Look at the state of politics right now. The liberals, the conservatives, the faithbased, the straights, the gays, blacks, whites, Donald fucking Trump! You're not uniting any of them and the media feeds the division even more, they depend on it to survive.

North and South seems much simpler, doesn't it? Eh heh.



  1. You are absolutely right. And I love that speech, as I do my new title. XD *throws her horns* They're trying to get rid of Gone With the Wind?! I knew it was getting absurd, but really?! I read this whole thing a while back about how college professors are becoming afraid to teach anything the slightest bit contentious because it might offend some little rich fuck's sensibilities and he'll go to the higher ups and get the teacher fired for hurting his (insert shitty little viewpoint here). So now everything is milquetoast, no one learns anything, and that speech is spot-on. No more debates, no more questioning anything. Let's just hide and hope that no one decides to break into our homes. It's enraging.

  2. Yeah, this country is starting to approach post-war Germany/Japan territory with the "let's pretend the bad stuff never happened" shit... They want Gone With The Wind put down for the flag and how blacks are portrayed in it. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy! ;) Love you, darling! Glad you like your title, too! :3

