Monday, June 22, 2015

The Horrors of Catnip Addiction

Talk to your cat about catnip before it's too late.

Or...don't and just laugh your ass off.

And this has nothing to do with catnip or cats, but...

Happy Monday, pplz! :3



  1. Hahahaha! I love these. Years ago I once stupidly left a (sealed!) package of catnip in my purse on the bed. Looked in a few minutes later and there were two stoned cats lying in catnip that was just EVERYWHERE. They were soooo happy. lol All I could do was laugh. And then clean it up. *eyeroll* Love you!

  2. That first cat is REALLY stoned! LOL I almost pissed myself laughing at this post! You are so awesome! *Smooches* XOXO ♥♥♥

  3. Cats love drugs, people love drugs... WHAT is the fucking issue? XD I'm glad you both got a laugh! :3

