Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Game Girls

I'm really tired of the argument that says female game characters place unrealistic expectations on women. And yes, there are people who do. Does anyone ever stop to think that it's fantasy? Do you wanna play as some lardass in jeans and a t-shirt or some "regular" girl when you're saving the world or what have you?

And they're not all big titted, scantily clad whores either. There are plenty of great characters that are smart, strong, and unique. Even the scantily clad ones often have great backstories, are tough as nails and have a brain. Too many people get caught up in the outward appearance and either shy away or play in secrecy.

Dead Or Alive is one of the most popular targets for the people shouting "SEXISM!" or "ONLY PERVS PLAY THAT!" Yes, the roster is primarily female. Yes, their huge tits defy the laws of physics. And yes, you can now buy DLC to put the characters in skimpier outfits. And it is ever so lovely. :3

Does anyone stop to think that these women are FIGHTERS?! That DOA is pound for pound the best fighting game on earth? Because it is and it improves every time. It's over the top FUN that's easy to pick up, but nearly impossible to master. But we get so hung up on the big titty girls and the skimpy outfits...

Here's the truth: DOA 5 finally gave fans a fully fleshed out, coherent story mode. The gameplay is incredible, with each fighter having a unique fighting style. Match up someone like Mila (MMA) against someone like Pai (Kung Fu) and Pai's combination strikes while in close are gonna win every time. (I just went about 20 rounds with her. Pai: 19 Rei/Mila: 1) And yes, PAI, from Virtua Fighter. (Along with Akira, Sarah Bryant, Lau, maybe one or two more) If Yu Suzuki is willing to put his characters from the game that invented 3D fighting games, that says A LOT about how good DOA is.

I read it on Twitter and game sites all the time... People talking about how they play DOA and other games with half-naked women in them when people are away or whatever. IT'S A GAME! Unless you're sitting there with lotion and tissues, who gives a fuck? We really need to come out of our shells as a race of people. (It's not just an American thing) There's no actual nudity and even if there were, they're polygons... Shaming people for playing games or watching porn, etc, just sends them further into their own shells. It creates perverts. We're sexual beings. We have urges, desires and needs and games like DOA put a lot of them into one package.

And if anyone is interested in a great game with a female heroine, Assassins Creed III Liberation is worth a look. Its lead is a half black, half white orphan taken into the home of some aristocrats as a child in 1760's Louisiana and then falls into the order. The fact that they only released it on Vita is a shame, because it's really beautiful and Aveline is a character that could inspire female gamers and developers to make more like her. *EDIT* Liberation is getting a makeover for consoles!!!! *Throws money at GameStop*

Nearly every game I've been playing lately has a female lead/main character or supporting playable character. Maybe we should celebrate that, embrace it and hope for more instead of just focusing on looks and what they're wearing (or aren't wearing).



  1. I don't agree with the labelling games as perverted thing or saying that the female characters are giving women a bad name either. Anyone ever read a comic book? lol Characters like Aveline, the girls from Resident Evil, Bayonetta, Lara Croft, Samus Aran, there are hundreds of strong women in games and we're way beyond just Damsel in Distress now. The DOA girls are insanely hot and yeah, they have the stupid "Xtreme/Volleyball" fan service games. But I'll be damned if I don't wanna kick some ass with Kasumi (I play as her like every time) wearing a tiny bikini! <3 The game moves so fast that the outfits are the last thing you worry about anyway. People need to loosen up. They're just boobs! *Squeezes* Love you Reibun! XOXO

  2. I'm with yourself and Lacebun, darling. Pretty sure that's the same shitty attitude that makes girls who dare (gasp!) to have a healthy sex drive get labeled sluts and whores. Fuck those people. Women are awesome, and more beautiful than men. Why shouldn't we be proud of our beautiful bodies and sexuality? Because patriarchy, apparently. The patriarchy can go fuck itself with a traffic cone, and I'll happily play fantastic female roles, thanks. ALICE! She saves herself AND Wonderland, and she's not afraid to kick the everliving shit out of anyone who gets in her way, including the disgusting ACTUAL pervert who killed her family. I wanna be Alice. She's pretty AND fierce. Yes, please. Love you, Reibun! ❤️
