Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Something I don't understand...

Blowjob porn. First, I'm just gonna say it. I've never enjoyed performing oral on a man. Not once. That he's getting pleasure from me is the only "good" thing I've ever taken from it... Which begs the question, what fucking pleasure is there for you in watching girls suck someone else's cock? Every other porn video is "Young Teen Slut Sucks Big Cock" 

Do you picture it being yours? Are you flounder pounding to the thought of getting your dick sucked by the girl or on some horny power trip saying "Mine's bigger, I'd give it to her better!" Because that's all I can come up with after what I just watched... I saw some clip of a Japanese woman in some type of maid uniform and it was just a blowjob video. The chick didn't take her clothes off or anything, she just sucked this dude's 3 inch samurai twig for 5 minutes. I couldn't for the life of me fathom how anyone could get off on that.

Obviously, it was just a clip of a full scene, but who wants that part? (Of the scene OR the man) I've just never understood the fascination with filming a man getting oral. At least women suck (hahaha) you into it. They're moaning and writhing, there's a sensory overload going on. What do dudes do? Half-hearted "Oh. Oh god..." *Eyeroll*

And I'm not against oral or performing it on who you're with, I just don't see why it needs to be filmed or how it can be enjoyed by men who aren't actually getting it. 



  1. I just thought I'd let you know that this place is in stitches over this post! LOL Reibun wins today! ♥ And "Flounder Pounding" should be in medical texts! haha! You are so awesome and I love that you just say whatever's on your mind. I am just a wee it fearful of ever going through your internet history, though... :p Love you! XOXO ♥♥♥

  2. Two things:

    1) I've heard they usually obscure the dude's face so the viewer can, indeed, imagine someone is repeatedly jamming his penis into their face. WHEEE.

    2) I have a friend who is of the same opinion as we all (namely that blowjob porn is retarded), but says it is absolutely hilarious when watched on fast-forward. Like she's jackhammering something with her face. I admit I sort of want to see that, lol.

    I love you, you awesome Reibun. <3

  3. I've actually watched them at regular speed where it looks completely unnatural. I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or what, but it's like the chick is doing it so fast that her neck is gonna break or something... I've seen it on fast forward, too, and it's funny yet rather disturbing... XD Also, why a woman would suck a cock thats been in her asshole is beyond me. I'm not exactly the picture of piety, but that's a no no for me.

    Wise move staying out of my history, too, Lacebun... :p Love you both! :3333

