Tuesday, March 31, 2015

'Cause I got nothin' to talk about...

I'm sure I'll find something to bitch or rant about online sooner or later, just haven't had a whole lot to say lately. I'm not depressed or unhappy with my life, just don't have much going on. The trip to Michigan is a week from Friday, so if I don't come up with anything beforehand, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say during and after my trip. For now, enjoy some pictures!

My baby loves to eat!

Mommy dearest and one of her demon spawn...

Littlefoot is on pussy patrol!

Me sneaking around at Lacey's job... They want THIS working there? And they say I'm crazy... XD

This is me at the beginning of my relationship with that sperm donor I almost married, pre-pregnancy. I was probably 105 pounds soaking wet at this point and was far less tittyrific...

Last one. These are two of my BJDs but this photo isn't recent. I took this one morning in NH and yes, that is natural light, nothing has been done to this. I was just sorta playing around at the time, but then I found it in my Photobucket and... Does it remind you of a certain pair of newlyweds? :3



  1. Your dolls look amazing. And I want you sneaking around at my work! XD Hey, if they can get used to me, they can deal with anything. They'd probably love you.

  2. Oh, I'd love to snoop around your job! I could make a monkey suit and crawl around in the air vents! Mmm...tranquilizers...*drool* :3 *Hugs*


  3. You're not crazy, sweetie! You're just... Sanity challenged! :) I love the BJD picture! <3 *Kisses* XOXO
