Friday, March 13, 2015

Fucking tired of this...

That's me outside this morning, enjoying the nice weather and a cup of coffee. If you read the inside of the cup, it says "You're Special". This isn't gonna be some self-depricating rant about how I think the cup is a lying jackoff... No, this is just the straight up fucking truth.

That's me in the summer of 2013. I'll wait while my fans glomp over the wig and the outfit... *tick tock* Done? Good. I didn't post this to show you how awesome I make that window look. Take a look at my left leg (Right side in the pic) and what do you see? It looks like a cute pose, huh? It's not.

My entire goddamn life, everyone from kids in school to teachers and the walrus have told me to stand up properly or that I stand funny. These days it's ignorant fucking women making smartass remarks that I think I'm/trying to be a diva. What the fuck does that even mean? Divas used to be iconic women in show business. Now they're loudmouthed, fatassed black women who star in "housewife" reality shows when they're not even married. I don't think I fall into either category.

I was in the pharmacy with Lacey getting her prescriptions and we were browsing around while waiting for them to be ready. We were looking at makeup and there were two other women there, also. They kept looking at us and then I heard one say something about "Miss diva in black over there". As much as I'd have liked to make a smartass remark back, I just can't anymore. 

I'm so beat down from the comments and ridicule. Sick of fucking explaining it. I just walked away. They probably laughed at the way I walk, too. Whatever. It hurts, it always has. Physically and emotionally. I'm not sure how the hell I remember this, but I was playing with a bunch of kids after school one day when I was six. Some older kid (maybe 10 or so) came over and said "Oh, look! You can finally walk! Took you long enough." I couldn't walk properly until I was 4, so... *Sigh*



  1. Rei snuggled up to me after she made this post and her crying woke me. I never even heard those women say that! Fuck them! You are a beautiful, unique woman that I love and adore in every way possible. I don't care if you just learned to walk yesterday, it does not define you. I am so attracted to you, honey, you don't even know how much! I love your legs and every other part of you. She's getting herself ready for our date, but I insisted that she remain in that dress. Her legs may not be like everyone else's, but they are long, sexy and smooth as silk! After dinner, I'm kissing every damn inch of them. Plus the dress clings to her boobs... What? I can be a nympho, too! :p XOXO

  2. People are SUCH shitheads, it's just unreal. My heart hurts for your suffering all these years, darling, and fuckwits like that absolutely make everything worse. I second Lacey in her thought that you are completely beautiful. <3 I'd shoot all those motherfuckers for you if I could. *hug*

  3. I'm very lucky to have such amazing people in my corner. :3 Lacey lived up to her promise and then some. And I'd love to have you around me just blowing away assholes, darling! Of course, the ammunition costs would be pretty big. Earth, population: 5000. XD Thank you both! *Hugs*

