Monday, May 11, 2015

Thoughts on today and some other stuff...

I managed to get a pretty good belly dancing session in during the late morning/early afternoon hours today! ^^ Good, in the sense that I worked up a sweat and got some basics down, I probably looked like a fool otherwise! XD It's different than what I did a couple years ago, but I had fun and I'm gonna keep at it! Ganbate! (fight/try hard, do your best!) If anyone is wondering what the kanji above my new profile mean, it's Hijoshikina which literally translates to "Insane". XD

If you're wondering why Lace did a tip of the day in her post today, it's because of two lovely guys who saw us leaving a local convenience store this morning. We usually go to Dunkin Donuts, but it was more packed than usual so we went elsewhere for coffee and sugary treats. There were two dudes parked next to us just shooting the shit, drinking their coffee and we were getting back in the car and we heard one say something about whether or not Lace was a natural blonde. These were older guys, probably with kids about her age. And that's what I said to them. "Would you talk to your daughter like that? I don't know you, don't want to, but have a little fucking class and at least wait until we can't hear you." They didn't say anything and we moved along. Fucking men...

And now it's time to take another shot at Hollyweird!

You know I hate Kim Kardashian. She got famous for a fucking sex tape, then a stupid reality show, and now she's got a book out. Yay Kim! I don't know if it's a book OF selfies or a book about selfies, but it's something to do with a topic that doesn't deserve more than half a sentence. And people were lined up for a block and a half in NYC to buy it and get an autograph! What the fuck am I missing? What goddamn drug did I take to make me not be able to understand what is so fucking polarizing about this bitch?! This bitch is what little girls wanna be! What the fuck is wrong with this country?! She's stupid, she has NO talent outside of taking pictures with her iPhone and we idolize her and keep throwing money in her direction! It's a scary time to have a daughter, I have to imagine. She's not the only one being rewarded for doing nothing, but she is the worst offender.

Sekai de ichiban daikirai... Baka baita!

And why does every female celebrity have to have a clothing line these days? None of it is anything original or even particularly interesting.

The rich get richer and they don't even have to do anything for it anymore. USA! USA! *Eyes get stuck in her head*



  1. I sooooo second your feelings about KK. What the fuck? She and her narcissistic husband deserve each other. I can't fathom the appeal. I wish you'd start your own clothing line! I'd buy all that shit! XD And good on you for saying that to those assholes. If more people told men to stop acting like shitbuckets, maybe things would improve. Or even better, teach your kids not to act that way, parents! (Not you, parents in general.) Love you bunches and I want a dancing video! :D

  2. So glad you agree with me, darling! :3 And the translation of what I put below the KK thing is "I hate you the most in this world... Stupid whore!" Hai. I would love to start a clothing line! I need monies first! Maybe I'll go fuck a semi-famous rapper and put it online... XD

    And I would love to do a video for you! I just need to get like 99.9% better first! ;) Agreed about the parenting thing, too. There are so many parenting experts and books and all this shit. There are so many "concerned" parents out there that supposedly teach their kids this and that, but look at the fucking world around us. The same shit that happened to us as kids is still happening but now its gone high-tech and it just gets fucking worse by the day. I can honestly say I would NOT want to be a kid these days. Lacey's childhood horror stories have mine beat by a mile... Mine didn't have computers that don't easily forget everything involved... *Hugs her tightly* Love you dearly, darling! :3

